Vist the Five Points Museum of Contemporary Art for a new exhibition by internationally renowned painter Clark Fox.
A Texas native, also known as Michael Clark, Fox spent much of his childhood in Houston and South Texas before moving to New York. Fox is an intensely prolific painter, and this exhibition draws upon select works from pointillist Texas landscapes to confrontational pop art satire. Insurgent: The Paintings of Clark Fox features his paintings of American presidents, especially his panoptic study of George Washington, as well as his assessments of social structures and economics in his ever-growing studies of oranges and Mr. Peanut as avatars of class and racial inequity.

Clark Fox is the first painter to have a solo show at Five Points Museum of Contemporary Art since the museum opened in 2016. His works are in the public collections of the National Gallery of Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of New York, the Corcoran Gallery, and many more.